PGCPS LogoPrince George's County Public Schools
  • Creative Arts




    This course explores a variety of art media with many experiences in the areas of art such as: art appreciation, constructing, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpting, crafts, careers and related activities. All art experiences are based on the elements of art (line, shape, color, form, texture, space and value) and how these elements are incorporated in works of art. This course is enriched and reinforced with thinking skills development and multicultural education art activities. All students will be expected to maintain a journal/ sketchbook.


    AVID is a nationally recognized college and career readiness program that focuses on developing the critical thinking, organizational, and communication skills essential for academic achievement. This elective is not just for high-achieving students but for anyone with the ambition and determination to succeed. It is a transformative experience designed to equip students with the skills, mindset, and support they need to thrive academically and beyond.

    AVID Logo





    Course: Chorus

    Chorus is a full year course for students who wish to continue the development of vocal choral skills. Literature and technique are selected with the emerging and changing voice in mind. Singers will master the following techniques: Sing with freely produced tone quality characteristic of their particular age level.Sing with pure vowels and clear precise consonants.

    Sing in tune with other voices and instruments. Respond appropriately to choral direction. Sing parts independently. Sing at sight notation used in a choral score.

    Course: Piano/Keyboard

    The Piano/Keyboard  course is one of the many creative arts semester courses offered here at Buck Lodge Middle School. The focus of instruction will be piano Level I. Students will acquire skills necessary for playing classroom instruments and music theory comprehension.Develop an awareness of the elements that make up the music of America and continue developing an awareness of the music of various cultureInterdisciplinary teaching along with the use of higherorder thinking skills will be assigned in conjunction with the academic areas at scheduled times.

    Course: Band /Orchestra:                                        

    This year long course will emphasize intermediate development of technique, tone, control, interpretation, and comprehension of musical symbols, terminology, and concepts. It is designed for those students who have had at least one year of band instruction at the elementary or middle school level. Students will perform intermediate level literature (grade I/II), and attendance at outside of school performances and rehearsals is a requirement of the course.

    Course: General Music

    The General Music course is one of the many creative arts semester courses offered at Buck Lodge Middle School. The course will cover the following topics depending on grade level. Music Literacy, World music, Instrument Families,  and Music Technology. The class will have a focus on music appreciation and knowledge of different musical styles in the United States and in various parts of the world. Concepts about the different families of musical instruments and their application in different musical groups from the symphonic orchestra to popular music groups will also be presented.

    As part of the course you will learn about the history of various musical genres from Jazz to Classic Rock and other styles.

    Physical Education:

    The expectation of Buck Lodge Physical Education is to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to become a physically literate person. This will ensure the growth of the child holistically by providing them with the awareness and the appreciation for sustaining a healthy lifestyle through sound pedagogy.

    Physical Education: Students will be able to learn a variety of motor skills and movement patterns, gain the ability and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime, and demonstrate good sportsmanship. The students will participate in a variety of units such as Fitness/Goal Setting, Flag Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer and Team Building. All units focus on building skills and team work. 

    Physical Fitness Course: Students will get a chance to utilize our state of the art fitness center. Through exercising the students will create a fitness plan, learn to build muscle, create SMART goals to plan for the future and learn about Health and Skill related fitness.

    Adapted Physical Education:

